Selasa, 03 November 2009



Author : Calvin Engler, Ph.,CPA,CCA
Copy right : 1990
Author : IRWIN, Homewood, Boston
Brief Content : 1. PART 1, Essential of Cost and Managerial Accounting
2. PART 2, Planning and Control
3. PART 3, Additional Selected topics


The Nature and Objectives of Managerial Accounting, Financial Accounting versus Managerial Accounting: Financial Accounting. The Nature of Managerial Accounting. Differences and Similarities-financial versus Managerial Accounting. Information for Decision Makers: Qualitative Information. Organizations and Their Structure: Organization chart. Goal Setting and Decision making: Strategic Planning-Long-Term Decision Making. Short-term Decision Making .The Planning and Control Cycle. Careers in Management Accounting: Certified Management Accountant. Certified Public Accountant (CPA). Summary. Glossary of Key Terms.

Managerial accounting special in providing information that an organization’s manager will find useful for internal decision making. Thus, a firm’s internal accounting information system should (1) enable manager to plan for the operations of their business, (2) include processes enabling managers to assess how effectively their plans are being implemented, (3) Provide the data needed to control operations, and (4) Provide the data needed for decision making. Of necessity, some information that managers need is historical in nature, but most of it is either very recent or future oriented.

1. Planning- Deciding what objectives to pursue during a future time period and what to do to achieve those objectives.
2. Organizing- Grouping activities, assigning activities, and providing the authority to carry out the activities.
3. Staffing- Determining human resource needs, recruiting, selecting, training, and developing human resource.
4. Leading- Directing and channeling human behavior toward the accomplishment of objectives.
5. Controlling- Measuring performance against objectives, determining causes of deviations, and taking corrective action when necessary.
These duties will be discussed in greater detail later in this chapter.
To be useful, managerial accounting information must be as reliable as possible, and when estimates are provide, they must be based on sound estimating practices. Thus, a management accountant must have some familiarity with statistical theory, mathematics, and computer applications.
In addition to accounting information, managers use data provided by engineers, economists, mathematicians, sales and marketing specialists, psychologists, and others. The management accountant is but one member of a broad-based management team.

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